Close-up of hands holding a credit card to a payment processor

Debit Card

Mastercard® Debit Card

Pay for purchases without writing a check or handling cash. 
Whether you want to pay for purchases in store or online, take the convenience of your debit card and use it for your advantage. Funds from purchases are deducted directly from your checking account. You can also access your checking account funds no matter where you are using an ATM.


Call today to learn more.
Contact us immediately if your card has been lost or stolen. This will limit your liability in case of fraudulent use of your card. During business hours: (815) 568-4100; after business hours: (800) 472-3272.
You may not be aware of it, but your debit card has around-the-clock monitoring to help protect against fraud. With our EnFact service, fraud specialists will watch for suspicious card activity on your account 24/7, 365 days a year. As a result, when a transaction occurs that is not consistent with your usual card activity, you could receive notifications from Prairie Community Bank Fraud Detection Center to verify the authenticity of these transactions - sometimes while the transaction is happening.

Keeping this in mind, don't be surprised if you receive a call from the following number: (833) 735-1894. Of course, to take full advantage of this service, we need to make sure that Prairie Community Bank always has your most current contact information. This will allow us to easily reach out to you in the event of suspicious or out of the ordinary debit card transactions. We recommend that you create a contact that references this number as Prairie Community Bank Fraud Department. This will help you know to pick up the call rather than assume it's a spam call.
Foreign countries are currently blocked for your fraud protection. Notify us of your travel plans or foreign purchases to ensure continued access to your funds. Contact us during business hours: (815) 568-4100.